- Do I need to register with UNIC Library?
- How do I access electronic resources when the Library is closed?
- How do I to perform searches, using databases or/and RefWorks?
- How do I borrow an item that cannot be loaned out?
- Is there internet/ WiFi service in the Library?
- What if the Library does not have the item I need for my research?
- What happens if I lose or damage a Library book?
- What happens if I moved, went abroad or was ill?
- What happens if I have a problem connecting to a specific electronic resource or service?
- How do I access the Library catalogue from home?
- How do I borrow a book?
- How do I avoid fines?
- How do I search for journal articles?
- How do I search for ebooks?
- How do I access eresources using OpenAthens?
- If I am not a student or faculty/staff, can I access library e-resources using OpenAthens? If not, how can I get access?
- Where can I find information on to the European Union?
- What do I do if I have a reference question?
- Is the Library open during Public Holidays?
- How can I contact a Librarian?
Do I need to register with UNIC Library?
You need to register with the Library to borrow print books and to access electronic resources using Open Athens. To register please contact Libithelp@unic.ac.cy (please see Join the Library for more information).
Please see Off-Campus Access on the Library Website for more information.
How do I access electronic resources when the Library is closed?
You have access to all electronic resources through our Library Website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please see Off-Campus Access on the Library Website for more information.
How do I to perform searches, using databases or/and RefWorks?
Instructions on performing searches, using databases or RefWorks can be found using the following links:
How do I borrow an item that cannot be loaned out?
Photocopiers are available for making copies of articles or chapters need from materials that cannot be loaned out. Copies can be made either in Black and white or in colour.
For more information please contact the Circulation Desk: Libithelp@unic.ac.cy.
Is there internet/ WiFi service in the Library?
Computers with internet access are available for searching the various databases or other search engines. These can be found in the Main section of the Library and in the Library Lab room. Materials accessed can be printed, downloaded or sent to your e-mail address.
Wireless access (WiFi) is also available in any part of the Library. Passwords can be obtained from the Circulation Desk.
What if the Library does not have the item I need for my research?
Use our Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) by emailing the item you need to ill@unic.ac.cy or please contact Christina Papadopoulou (papadopoulou.c@unic.ac.cy)
What happens if I lose or damage a Library book?
If you damage or lose an item, you need to report it right away to the Circulation Desk. In the case of damage, you need to pay for its repair or if lost you need to pay for its replacement cost as it stands today, with an additional processing fee of €17 (see our Library Code of Conduct).
What happens if I moved, went abroad or was ill?
If you move or change address, you must update your records at the Circulation Desk.
You are responsible for any fines as you must return your items either before moving or going abroad and before fines are generated by the system. If you become ill, you should submit a doctor’s certificate of illness.
What happens if I have a problem connecting to a specific electronic resource or service?
Please contact the Library by email libithelp@unic.ac.cy
How do I access the Library catalogue from home?
Go on our Library website and click on UNIC Primo, the new discovery search tool that enables you to search most of the library's full text resources (books and e-books, articles, journal and more!) from a single search box.
All search tools for both print and electronic resources can be accessed from the Library website, from anywhere on campus as well as from your office or home (click on Off-Campus Access for more details on how to get connected).
Click on Borrowing Information, on the Library Website.
Click on Loss of Privileges / Fines, on the Library Website.
How do I search for journal articles?
Go to the Library Website, then click on eJournals and go to Journals Collection and general information on on-line journals databases. You can, also, search for articles in databases by clicking on Databases, and then on the name of the relevant database.
Go to the Library Website, then click on eBooks and then on the name of the relevant database.
How do I access eresources using OpenAthens?
During your search (either by clicking on a database or the full-text link) a box will appear asking if you are a student/faculty or staff/health faculty. Select the appropriate option. You will be directed to a login page where you will need your UNIC email and your Student Intranet Password (the one given to you by the university). Further instruction can be found here:
If you have any trouble, using OpenAthens please email support@unic.ac.cy.
Unfortunately, you can’t have access through Open Athens, please contact the library (libithelp@unic.ac.cy) for further assistance.
Where can I find information on the European Union?
You can find any relevant information by clicking here or email Georgia Christodoulou (edc.unic@unic.ac.cy)
What do I do if I have a reference question?
Contact: libithelp@unic.ac.cy
Is the Library open during Public Holidays?
No, the Library is closed during all public holidays but this does not affect you access to electronic resource. Please see Off-Campus Access on the Library Website for more information.
* During mid-terms, exams and holidays, opening days and hours may differ. Please check library website for info.
How can I contact a Librarian?
The Library provides ongoing support for the use of electronic resources, renewing books, general queries and support for your research. You can contact us, either by:
Email: libithelp@unic.ac.cy
Telephone: +357 22 842100
Our normal operating hours: Monday – Friday between 08:00 – 20:00.
Distance Learning:
Email: Libdistance@unic.ac.cy
Tel: +357 22 842116/102
Mob: +30 698 347 8547
Health Library:
Email karahaliou.m@unic.ac.cy
Tel: +357 22 471949
University of Nicosia Library & Information Centre
The Library is a short walk away from the main campus building.
The Library’s main objectives are to provide quality resources that support the educational and research goals of the University community, to help students assume responsible roles in a changing society and to be of service to society through partnerships with business and civic institutions.
The Library holds approximately 100,000+ print books, a big number of E-books (600,000) and full text e-journals (30,000) from various publishers that cover all relevant areas of study and can be accessed through UNIC Primo, our new discovery search tool that enables you to search most of the library's full text resources (books and e-books, articles, journal and more) from a single search box.
All resources are available through the Library webpage. Online resources can be accessed on campus, whereas for off-campus access, a current Library account and proxy settings configuration is required before gaining access.
To make access easier and faster, the Library uses UNIC Primo, the new discovery search tool that enables you to search most of the library's full text resources (books and e-books, articles, journal and more) from a single search box.
In addition to the big number of resources, the Library provides a pleasant atmosphere for individual or group study, with a seating capacity of 200 seats, with networked PCs for electronic access and Wi-Fi access. Photocopy facilities are also available, TVs and tape recorders as well as dedicated terminals with Super Nova (a program for blind or visually impaired users).
Νo library can hold all the materials needed for research. In such cases a loaning and Interlibrary Loan Service is provided, which through collaboration with other state universities, or through the British Library Document Supply Centre, aims to satisfy all user needs. The Library is also part of a Cyprus Library Consortium (CALC), which has been created, along with other academic libraries, with the aim of sharing costs and resources for the benefit of all.
Our moto is “Service to all users”, and the Library staff is always on hand to assist in the search for any materials needed. The Library organizes regular training sessions to assist students in developing hands-on skills and is very active in organizing training workshops, user groups and annual updating on old and new e-resources, always aiming at providing the best service possible. Information Literacy is an integral part of the service given to students, with the aim to be assisted in gaining skills and critical thinking that can be transferred in the future, from the academic environment to their personal and professional success.
Service also extends to service to the community, and for this reason a Children’s Reading Room has been prepared, where authors and actors are invited to read stories to children (ages 4-12) and help them gain a pleasant experience as to what a Library is.
Finally, in the recent years, the Library has been selected to host the European Documentation Centre (EDC). The EDC receives and has access to official EU publications, documents and electronic databases, to make them available to academics and the public. The EDC, also, provides training and instruction for individuals and groups in finding EU information and using EU tools.
Staff Directory
Title |
Name |
Room |
Telephone |
Library Director |
Mina Charalambous |
205 |
22842103 |
Interlibrary Loan Librarian |
Christina Papadopoulou |
108 |
22842106 |
Senior Circulation Services Librarian |
Maria Pavlou |
Circulation |
22842108 |
Senior Reference-Policy Specialist & European Documentation Centre Manager (SRPS-EDC manager) | Georgia Christodoulou | christodoulou.g@unic.ac.cy | 109 | 22842104 |
Circulation Librarian |
Vasia Charitou |
Circulation |
22842100 / 22842115 |
Circulation Librarian |
Ioanna Manoli |
Circulation |
22842101 |
Circulation Librarian |
Maria Chrysou |
chrysou.m@unic.ac.cy |
Circulation |
22842100 |
Library Assistant |
Despoina Metaxa | metaxa.d@unic.ac.cy | Circulation | 22842100 |
Library Assistant |
Anna Throumbari | throumbari.a@unic.ac.cy | Circulation | 22842100 |
Acquisition Librarian |
Aimilia Theodoulou |
110 |
22842105 |
DL Librarian |
Christiana Iacovou |
207 |
22842116/ 22842102 |
Research Liaison Librarian |
Dia Kytta |
204 |
22842107 |
Senior Collection Management & Development Librarian |
Eleni Singou |
- |
00357 99085007 |
Website Content Librarian |
Eleni Stylianou |
- |
- |
Health Library |
Circulation Coordinator |
Maria-Eirini Karachaliou |
Circulation |
22471949 |
UNIC library houses various collections of materials. Each collection has its own loaning policies. Read through each one of them for more details.
Other collections are:
Journals Collection
Reserve Collection
Each course has one or more “textbooks” or several “recommended reading” books essential for reading by all in a class. A copy of each is kept on Reserve for rapid circulation. The distinctive feature of these materials is that they must be returned within 3 hrs, overnight (5.00pm – 10.00am the following morning), in 1 day or in 3 days, depending on the lecturer’s indication. Two (2) Reserve books/items may be loaned out and loans are made on the basis of “first come first served” with reservations permitted only ONCE within the same day. Fines for overdue Reserves are 70c per hour, or €5 per day, with an increase of €45 per day during exam period. The purpose of short loans is to enable all students to have access to some books within the specified time limit assigned by the lecturer.
Main Collection
This collection holds the largest number of books in the library which can be loaned out to users. They are normally loaned out for 15 days depending on the status of the borrower. Smaller collections, such as Fiction, Biography and Junior Fiction also fall in this area. Books from this collection appear in UNIC Primo as "Standard Loan".
Special Collection
What these collections have in common is that they are comprised of materials which can be referred to within the library, but are not available for loan. These might be encyclopaedias, dictionaries, indexes and similar multipurpose research tools as well as subject related reference materials. They are all located in different designated areas of the library, with specific prefix in front of the Call Number on the spine of the book, which sets them apart from the Main library collection.
There is a general "Reference collection" with general multi-disciplinary research tools.
Reference materials are also located in the "Cyprus Reference collection", the "Rare Books collection" and the "Oversize collection".
Other collections are:
Journals Collection
Here you can find a small number of current print journals located on the sloping shelves, with the latest issue displayed on top of the shelf and the older issues underneath. (Mainly the Print Journals covers Architecture, Design etc.)
Audiovisuals Collection
This is a small collection of audiovisual materials relevant to the courses taught. They are not loaned out to students, but they can be borrowed for viewing in the library with the ID card reserved at the Circulation Desk. Lecturers can borrow 3 videos/DVDs for 1 week (see Borrowing Policy).
In case of loss or damage, the user will be asked to pay the replacement cost of the item.
Rare Book Collection
A very small collection of books of great research value which may have ceased publication, are limited editions, autographed copies or first edition of significance. They are identified by specific prefix and are located in a closed reserve area with in-library access only.
Oversize Collection
A selection of oversize books in various disciplines, which are shelved in a separate shelving area because of their size. These books are not for loan.
These are a selection of past student projects and theses which you may refer to for their level and content. They are NOT to be copied or loaned out.
NewspapersThere are various daily English and Greek newspapers, located on tables at the entrance of the library for casual reading and research. Most of them are stored for 2 months only.
Visitors Information
UNIC Library & Information Center is primarily committed to serving the research, teaching, and academic needs of its students, faculty, and staff. Access to collections, borrowing privileges, and use of computers are limited to those affiliated with UNIC.
Access Privileges
UNIC Library & Information Center is open to visitors and external users but access to specialized collections in prohibited. In addition, due to our licensing agreements, off-campus access to electronic resources to non-UNIC individuals is restricted.
Borrowing Privileges
Borrowing of UNIC materials are limited to members of the UNIC community and affiliates of the Institute. Please visit our Borrowing page for more information.
Members of the Alumni Association are eligible to borrow materials from the library.
General user queries |
DL user queries |
Research liaison |
Inter Library Loan (ILL) |
Collection development (acquisitions, availability etc.) |
Open access publishing (Transf. Agr.) |
Health Library |
Health Library |