Code of Conduct
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UNIC Code of Conduct
The Library Code of Conduct is what you can expect from the Library and what the Library expects from you in relation to Study Environment and Library Equipment.
The Library is expected to:
- Provide an environment conducive to study.
- Provide a variety of learning environments-designated areas for group work, areas with access to networked PC's, areas with access to the on-line catalog, audiovisual areas.
- Provide a range of Library materials such as books, journals, databases, audiovisual materials, etc all to support the learning, teaching and research of University of Nicosia/Intercollege. Aim to reshelve books within 1 day.
- Treat Library users with courtesy and respect.
- Seek to provide a safe and secure learning environment.
- Ensure the Library equipement is maintained in good working condition.
- Enforce regulations to users who are found mutilating or defacing Library materials or making unnecessary noise in the library.
- Provide access to students with special needs, such as an alternative entrance from the parking area designated for wheelchair use.
- Reserve the right to refuse to grant access and borrowing privileges to any person who fails to observe library regulations.
- Suspend membership to the Library in whole or in part, for a period that does not exceed one term. Only in extreme cases, withdrawal of membership will be total.
Users are expected to:
- Show upon request a valid University of Nicosia/Intercollege ID card.
- Leave the library premises immediately in emergencies, and when requested to do so by the Librarian.
- Comply with the provisions of any relevant legislation as, for example, laws relating to a) intellectual property rights including copyright, b) data protection. In relation to a) users must comply with the terms of any license agreement between the college and a third party which governs photocopying, photography, and the use of software and access to data.
- Care of books and all Library materials. No user may be used to mark, mutilate or annotate books, and any marking or damage found must be reported to the Librarian. In case of damage or loss of an item, the user is expected to pay for its replacement cost and its processing fee. Hand-held scanners and cameras may be used only with the permission of the Librarian.
- Avoid eating and drinking in any part of the Library.
- Refrain from smoking in any part of the Library.
- Keep conversation to a minimum, and be as quiet as possible especially in study areas.
- Switch off personal radios, cassette and CD players and mobile telephones to avoid disturbance to others. Mobile telephones must be switched off or put on silent, in the Library.
- Not to damage or interfere with any Library equipment such as computers, photocopiers and AV equipment.
- Treat Library staff with courtesy and respect.