How do I?

How do I?
- How do I borrow an item that cannot be loaned out?
- Is there internet/wireless service in the Library?
- What if the Library does not have the item I need for my research?
- What happens if I did not receive my overdue notice and I’m being fined?
- What happens if I damage or lose a library book?
- What happens if there is an item in my account that I did not check out?
- What happens if I moved, went abroad or was ill?
- What happens if I have a problem connecting to a specific electronic resource or service?
- How do I access the library catalog from home?
- How do I borrow a book?
- How do I avoid fines?
- How do I search for journal articles?
- What do I do if I have a reference question?
- Whom do I contact for library policy questions?
Photocopiers are available for making copies of articles or chapters you need from materials that cannot be loaned out.
For Art students and lecturers a photocopy machine is available for full colour copies. For more information please contact the Circulation Desk.
Computers are available for searching the various databases or other search engines. There is a half-hour time limit for computer usage and where users fail to use the internet for research, library staff has the right to ask them to leave the library. Materials accessed can be printed, can be downloaded or sent to your e-mail address.
Wireless access (WiFi) is also available in any part of the library. Ask at the Circulation Desk for a wireless password. Laptops can also be used in various areas of the library. Make sure you have enough battery storage for access, as there is a limited number of plugs available.
Use our Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL).
Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy by mail or over the phone. The library does not take the responsibility of overdue notices being received late or not being received at all. Overdue notices are not the only means of knowing when you need to renew or return your books. You can check your return dates either on the due slip at the back of your books or on-line in your own account. In the event that overdue notices are not received you are responsible for paying your fines.
If you damage or lose an item, you need to report it right away to the Circulation Desk. In the case of damage you need to pay for its repair or if lost you need to pay for its replacement cost as it stands today, with an additional processing fee of €17. (see our Library Code of Conduct).
Write up the book’s title and author with your name, address and a phone number where you can be reached. Explain in a few sentences the reason why this item cannot be yours and hand it in at the Circulation Desk. The library will investigate and reach you within a few days.
If you move or change address, you must update your records at the Circulation Desk. You are responsible for any fines as you must return your items either before moving or going abroad and before fines are generated by the system. If you become ill you should submit a doctor’s certificate of illness
Can’t connect to the University of Nicosia/Intercollege Library web site: Contact:
Need help logging in to use research databases: Contact
My University of Nicosia/Intercollege Library Card Number will not authorize me to access My Library Card: Contact
Can't renew your books online: Contact
Need help to retrieve information from a specific electronic resource: Contact
Need help or training to search a specific database regarding formulating a search strategy for my research: Contact
Can't connect to on-line resources from home: Contact
Go on our web page You can search for material in the search box or click in the Catalog button for print books. Print journals available in our library and at our other two campus libraries.
The library catalogue as well as all Databases, eJournals and eBooks can be accessed from anywhere on campus as well as from your office or home (click on Off-Campus Access for more details on how to get connected).
In the case where you find materials available in another campus library, you can call the Circulation Desk and ask to have them placed on hold for two days before you can pick them up. After the two days, they will be put back on the shelves, if not requested by you.
Click on Borrowing Information.
Click on Loss of Privileges / Fines.
Click on eJournals and go to Journals Collection to find general information on on-line journals. You can, also, search for journals in databases by clicking on Databases.